Thursday, July 26, 2012

Stop it! A response.

My friend Melissa (@OfficialSpouse on Twitter) is a spunky little Jesus lover who periodically likes to throw down the gauntlet on her Spouseisms blog.  Here's the lastest:

So all that's left is for me to pick it up and hit it head on:
You know I have some 'Stop It's' of my own.
WARNING:  All comments shot straight from the hip buffered only by well intentioned sassiness and snark.
Also, I may be guilty of a few of these. 

Stop with the GMO's-I don't even know what I'm eating anymore

Stop making your kids think it's all about them-it's a proven, observable fact that the world revolves around the sun, not your (albeit precious) kid

Stop answering the cell phone when you're already engaged in a face to face conversation with someone else
You don't look important, you look rude

Stop with all the tatoos.  You look like a human post-it note,
 phone-side doodle pad
Stop looking offended when I try to read what you've written on  you're body. 
(Ok, I said it.  I"m not speaking to the well thought out, comprehensive plan, tastefully executed tatoo.  Although there is some debate among Christians with regard to tatoos.  My position is that while I don't care to participate, I don't find it an insult for a Christian to exercise this freedom-I know, Deuteronomy.   I'm talking about the random, hodgepodge, drunkin', on a dare kind of mish-mosh, every-which-way, font confused, distasteful, juvenille, angry, inappropriate stuff)
Stop talking about grace-BE grace with skin on
(You might be thinking that statement contradicts the one above.  It doesn't.
I will still love you.  I will just also be preoccupied with reading you)

Stop with all the alligator wrestling, mountain logging, dog-whispering, blind dating junk on TV.
Duck Dynasty, however, may stay

Stop concerning yourself with, worrying about or trying to control what other people think about you. 
It's a waste
(repeat as necessary)

Stop defending yourself.  If you're playing defense, you're not playing offense.  Read the gospel.  It's a totally offensive game.
(double entente intended)

Stop using 'it's comfortable' as an excuse for ugly foot ware

Stop saying 'yes' when you really want to say 'no''s a lie.  See the point above about what other people think

Stop looking at stuff you ought not look at

Stop being so serious.  Lighten up.  Live a little

Stop with the little 2 seater, toaster on wheels car.  I'm very concerned for your safety.  The only crash you might survive is with a rusted out shopping cart. 
Stop acting like you're:
Die to self.

For the love of all things good and holy, enough with the muffin top

Stop being afraid of the truth.  Humility only operates within truth

Stop listening to the criticisms of people who wouldn't take a bullet for you

Stop refusing to listen to people who would

Stop being complacent, mediocre, satisfied with good enough.
get hungry-get equipped-get started

Stop holding on

Stop saying 'tomorrow we will go here and do that'
you don't know if you have a tomorrow
(Shout-out Colorado)

Take time out to be encouraged and to be an encouragement.

(No thoughtful comment rejected)


  1. So, the other day at the Six Flags Waterpark, a tragically over-tatted couple was standing in line in front of us. Dude had a tattoo on the back of his neck, in calligraphy, that said "Thank God I'm white." No grace, no mercy was pumping through my veins at that point. I just wanted to punch him in the throat and tell him he is a disgrace to white people. I didn't. I sucked it up.

    Excellent post!!

  2. What's with the waterparks? At Adventure Island, I saw a dad and his 3-4 year old precious daughter and he was totally wonderful with her. Gentle and sweet. Wondered to myself (and thought about asking him) how he was going to explain that half dressed, squatting, stripper lady tatoo covering his right calf to that precious little girl when she hits the tweener years.

    Thanks for the throwdown. I like these. I woulda wanted to punch him in the throat to :)
